This article showcases our top picks for the Best Books About Computers. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below).
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This product was recommended by Shiv Gupta from Incrementors
The Art of Computer Programming is thought to be the bible of all conclusions that have regulated today’s most fortunate software developers. It is, if you will, the foundation of computer programming. Bill Gates once said that anyone who had read all the Art of Computer Programming should send him his or her proceeds. While Knuth hasn’t exactly decided this multi-volume epic yet, increasing volumes come out every so often, while Knuth’s website is a money trove of instruction, ideas, statements, and how-tos.
This product was recommended by Shahzil Amin from WellBefore
Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems provides a comprehensive look at the advantages and disadvantages of various technologies for processing and storing data information. Many small businesses operate on a limited budget and have yet to turn to more reliable cloud solutions. And as cyber-attacks are on the rise worldwide, it’s critical for small companies to understand how to use their data storage software effectively to prevent the possibility of hackers gaining access to vital information.
This product was recommended by Christen Costa from Gadget Review
If you’re just looking for an entertaining and fascinating book about the rise of computer technology, I recommend Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution by Steven Levy. It’s all about the risk-taking pioneers of the industry who are responsible for a lot of the technology we still use today.
This product was recommended by Christen Costa from Gadget Review
If you want to focus on working with computers through programming, I strongly recommend Clean Code by Robert C. Martin. This is the definitive book recommended to young programmers of all languages to write code that’s clean and self-documenting.
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